Saturday, October 23, 2021

Application Development Using Python (18CS55) MODULE1 QUESTION BANK


Application Development Using Python (18CS55)

Module 1

Question Bank:

Application Development Using Python (18CS55)

Module 1

Question Bank:

1) Find the out put of following expressions

1) (5 - 1) * ((7 + 1) /(3 – 1))


3) -9 % 5


5)2 ** 8

6) spam * 4




2) Develop a Python program to find the average of best two marks out of three marks taken as input. Use Exceptional Handling if the input is not a number.

3) What is the difference between range(10),range(0,10),and range(0, 10,1) in a for loop?

4) Explain the rules of precedence used by python to evaluate an expression?

5) Write a short program that prints the numbers 1 to 10 using a for loop by  using all the above ranges.

6) WAP to find best of two test averages form the three tests.

7) List the rules to declare variables? Explain 3 ways of declaring variables with an example?     

8) Distinguish between break and continue statements with an example.

9) Demonstrate with an example Print(), Input() and string replication.

10) Explain elif , for, while, beak and continue statements in python with an example for each.

11) Write a python program to check whether a given no. is even or odd.

12) How can we pass parameters in user defined functions explain with an example.

13) Explain local and global scope with local and global variables.

14) Demonstrate the concept of exception.  Implement  a code which prompts the user for Celsius temp , convert the temp to farenheat and print out the converted temp by handling exceptions.

15) Explain the types of errors with examples.

16) Write a python program using try and except ,so that your program handles non numeric input gracefully by printing the message and existing the program the following shown to execution of the program

Enter hours:20

Enter Rate:9

Error: please enter numeric input

Enter hours: forty

Error, please enter numeric input

17) Explain conditional execution ,alternative execution chained conditionals and nested conditional with examples.

18) Explain break and continue statement with examples in python.

19) Write  a program with a function computer grade that takes score as its parameter and returns a grade as a string.

20) Write a python program to find greatest of three numbers (without using and operator) by getting three numbers through keyboard using functions.

21) WAP that uses input to prompt a user for their name and than welcomes them.

22) Explain str(),int(),float() functions with example.?

23) Explain elif with an example program.?

24) WAP that ask for a user name and password using continue statement.?

25) Discuss the starting, stopping and stepping arguments to range() in python.

26) Discuss Importing modules in detail.

27) Explain def,none and return values and return statements in python.

28) Discuss local and global scope .

29)WAP to guess the number between 1 and 20 in python.

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